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Wake Up day 21 September 2024

Wake Up Day of Mindfulness “Be a True Friend to Yourself”

The day for young people ages between 18-40

On September 21, 2024 at Suanmokkh Bangkok (BIA) from 9.30-16.30

In a world that constantly pushes for progress and perfection, it is easy to become your own toughest critic. You may find yourself feeling exhausted, looking for love and understanding from others so that you can feel better about yourself.

But what if you could become that person for yourself? A true friend who is always there, able to provide warm support whenever you need.

On this Wake Up Day "Be a True Friend to Yourself", the Wake Up Sangha, a group of young mindfulness practitioners of Thai Plum Village, invites you to come along to meet your true friend from within and explore the art of being fully present for yourself and for each other.


9:30 Registration

10:00 Singing Meditation

10:15 Guided Sitting Meditation

10:30 Panel Sharing by Thai Plum Village monastics and Wake Up friends “How to be your own true friend”

12.00 Mindful Lunch together

13:00 Total Relaxation

14:00 Activity to get into groups

14:30 Practice deep listening and sharing from the heart together in the group

16:00 Walking Meditation

16:30 Finish the day

Please register at

See you on the day!

Wake Up Volunteer Thailand


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