Day of Mindfulness in Plum Village Tradition
One-day retreat by the disciples of the most venerable Thich Nhat Hanh
Sat 16, November 2024
At Suan Mokkh Bangkok (BIA)
Live Beautifully - Die Peacefully
How to enjoy living while preparing for passing?
Dhamar Talk by
Br. Chan Phap Nguyen
7.00 Alms Round
07.30 Mindful Breakfast
08.45 Reciting 5 Mindfulness Training
09.30 Singing Meditation
09.45 Dharma Talk by Br. Chan Phap Nguyen “Live Beautifully - Die Peacefully “
11.30 Mindful Lunch
13.00 Total Relaxation
14.00 Dharma Sharing
15.30 Walking Meditation
16.00 End
Registration required